Wednesday 10 December 2008

call in gay day

I usually avoid the whole gay, lesbian, and transgendered debate, but, yowza, here’s a bad idea

Some same-sex marriage supporters are urging people to “call in gay” Wednesday to show how much the country relies on gays and lesbians, but others question whether it’s wise to encourage skipping work given the nation’s economic distress. Organizers of “Day Without a Gay” - scheduled to coincide with International Human Rights Day and modeled after similar work stoppages by Latino immigrants - also are encouraging people to perform volunteer work and refrain from spending money.

Sean Hetherington, a West Hollywood comedian and personal trainer, dreamed up the idea with his boyfriend, Aaron Hartzler, after reading online that a few angry gay-rights activists were calling for a daylong strike to protest California voters’ passage last month of Proposition 8, which reversed this year’s state Supreme Court decision allowing gay marriage.

Other then pissing shoppers off during the holiday season because there are less workers available, pissing off co-workers because there are less people working during the holiday season, and pissing off bosses because they now have less workers available, this would accomplish what?

The couple thought it would be more effective and less divisive if people were asked to perform community service instead of staying home with their wallets shut. Dozens of nonprofit agencies, from the National Women’s Law Center in Washington to a Methodist church in Fresno collecting food for the homeless, have posted opportunities for volunteers on the couple’s Web site.

And performing community service (there’s probably a really bad joke about fixing homeless people’s hair, but, that would be mean) would do what for the economy? It would be nice and all, but, accomplish anything?

“We are all for a boycott if that is what brings about a sense of community for people,” said Hetherington, 30, who plans to spend Wednesday volunteering at an inner-city school. “You can take away from the economy and give back in other ways.”

Community. Reminds me of the whole “bring awareness” idiocy with global warming. Does nothing.

If they really want to make a difference, then the GLT community should attempt to change peoples minds about gay marriage through rational, adult debate.

(Just for reference, I have no problem with gays and lesbians, though transgendered is a little freaky to me. I have several co-workers who are gay and lesbian, and know some folks outside of work. I do not support gay marriage, but do support civil unions.)

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