Saturday 13 December 2008

One Dollar Diet Project

Times are tough. Money is tight. There is little margin in the budget.

Like most of us in this troubled economy looking to find ways to save money, Social Justice teachers Christopher Greenslate and Kerri Leonard started their One Dollar Diet Project as an experiment in the possibility of saving money.

Although three billon people (or half the world's population) live on less than $2.50 a day, attempting to eat on one dollar a day is no small challenge considering the average American living in the land of plenty traditionally spends far more than $2.50 on food alone in one day.

Starting on September 1, 2008, Greenslate and Leonard chronicled the One Dollar Diet Project in the blog featuring a food cost index, food log, sample recipes and the daily experience and challenge of the One Dollar Diet Project. The blog has continued past September, and the latest entry publishes the shocking reality that one in ten families in the US are currently using food stamps. The One Dollar Diet Project has become more than a one month project in saving money.

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