Sunday 7 December 2008


Blame it on the regular and concerted media advertising, but the fact is that American society and their culture make them youth-obsessed. This is just what a latest research has found out.

Aging is considered a catastrophe in U.S. and you could not possibly think of growing old gracefully; on the contrary, you may feel compelled to avoid the very idea of turning 60 or 70. The commercials advertising American obsession with youthfulness are only fuelling up the desire to look and stay younger.

No wonder clinics specializing in age management are finding a ready market to cash in on the society’s obsession with staying young. A Las Vegas based clinic, Cenegenics Medical Institute, run by Dr. Jeffry Life, is one of the many clinics that claim to turn the desire of many Americans to stay young into a reality. The 69-year old doctor is a role model for many of his patients.

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